Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thank You for 2014!

My god! Where did 2014 go?

I feel like just yesterday it was December of 2013 and I was over here making huge plans for the next year. I never in a million years could imagine everything that 2014 would have brought me. It has been completely unreal.

January started with my first co-written project with J.M. Walker. I never anticipated it not only being so much fun but my god... y'all loved Uncomplicated!  Jo-Anna and I were also fortunate enough to have it picked up by Beau Coup Publishing in late 2014!

February I hit publish on the fourth book in the Hers Series, This Girl Stripped. Which was probably my favorite to write. Paisley is one of my favorite characters, and I put so much into her. Around this time Lily White and I also came up with this idea to co-write a book together. Being quick writers we both thought it would take a month. Yeah! Ha! If we both didn't take so much on...

March began book signing craziness! Wicked Book Weekend in Fort Lauderdale wasn't on my original schedule for the year. Heck, I was heading there to be Brooke Cumberland's assistant and ended up getting a table last minute (as in a week before the signing). It may not have been my first official signing, but it was the first time anyone actually knew who I was and it was INSANE! 

It also was when I realized R.L. Griffin should be my sister. Because, we are basically the same person.

I cannot thank Ana's Attic enough for giving me the opportunity. I met so many new and lifelong friends there!

Then came New York City a few short days later. It was great to be home, and visiting with friends and family as well. Heck, when I was at Authors in the City... Finding Willow WON AN AWARD!  Yes, you heard that! It WON an AWARD!  Congrats to Star & Chrome for winning "Most Creative Sex Scene" for AITC 2014!

After being home for a couple weeks, and not even trying to write... I left for Atlanta and then again for Chicago. I absolutely loved seeing more parts of the country and visiting places I've never been before. Oh, and meeting all the amazing people who read, buy, and support my books. NOTHING will replace the feeling of someone giving you a hug and telling you how much your creation touched their life. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

May brought the release of The Good Girl with Lily White. I have to admit, I was so worried about how my readers would receive such a dark book... but HOT DAMN! Everyone loved it, and I have to say, writing with Lily White was amazing. Such a learning experience. And it also solidified a beautiful friendship.

I also write Seven's Diary, my favorite novella.

In June I decided it was time to stop putting off my next book. Instead of working on His I dove into Statistic head first. I thought I had all of June and part of July to get it finished for the late July release. WRONGO! My smooth sailing month of June turned into INSANITY with the children getting out of school, and being invited to sign at BOOK BASH!  Holy. Shit!

I can't even tell you how much of an honor it was to be invited to sign next to authors like Sylvia Day, and Jamie McGuire!  Women I look up to. Authors who inspired me when I first started my writing journey. Totally insane! It was such an amazing time, and I look forward to going again next year!

July brought the release of Statistic. One of my favorite releases of mine. I honestly can say it was the most interesting to write out of all of my books. It was also the most emotionally trying.

I got to sign in North Carolina, and then in Tampa.
I got to meet a whole ton of new people.
I got to connect the faces behind the Facebook icons with the real people who spend their days and nights helping me. 

Overall... 2014 was amazing.
And if it wasn't for the readers... I wouldn't be here at all.

Stay Hungry.
Stay Humble.

I want to personally thank every last person who has helped me, or supported me in any way this year. You all mean the world to me, and I look forward to meeting more of you in 2015, and making it an even better year than 2014!

Love you all!

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